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My daughter (9 yrs old) and I have been seeing a child psychologist to help with her anxiety, low moods, friendship troubles, feelings of being unloved and overall resistance to everything I say. I knew if we were experiencing these issues now, we may be heading for a rough road through the teen years. Although we have made some progress with the psychologist, I still have feelings of helplessness, more questions and I feel dependent on each visit for answers. I also wonder how my daughter will feel about this when she’s more aware? Will she reflect and wonder why mom sent her to a doctor? And what happens if the money runs out?

Since doing the Powerful Girl Within course with Jill, I feel so much more empowered. I have tools and language to help me help my daughter. I really appreciated that Jill was just an email away from answering questions or helping me through a crisis when it arose. Much to my “surprise”, I learnt my daughter’s issues are mainly centered around my beliefs – not hers. I also never thought I was a negative person, but OMGoodness was I wrong! I actually do see things negatively when it comes to my daughter and I’m filled with “what if’s” and self-doubt. I am still going through the information provided to us by Jill and slowly putting exercises in place. I’ve noticed changes in the right direction already and feel optimistic and hopeful that as I keep implementing more and more of Jill’s strategies, we will get to that sweet place I want for my daughter and myself.

Forever Grateful to be on this journey. I’ve learnt so much already!
