Attention: Current or Aspiring Life Coaches, Moms on a Mission, Retired Teachers or School Professionals, and Anyone Who Wants to Support Teen/Tween Girls to Thrive…

Do you want to help girls feel more confident, build resilience, and embrace their strengths so they can SHINE?

You CAN make a real difference for Girls AND make money as a Certified Facilitator of our Confidence-Building Workshop.

How great would it be to see young girls walking around with their heads held high, confident in who they are, so they can shine their light a little brighter and create a life they feel good about?

But right now, many young girls are struggling. They lack inner confidence and feel like they don’t fit in or aren’t good enough. And frankly, so many girls lack the guidance and skills necessary to shift these feelings from the inside out so they can be comfortable in who they are and create a more positive social experience.

The good news is…we can help.

Hi, I’m Jill Hope, and I decided to do something to end the epidemic of girls growing up feeling less than, with poor confidence and self-worth.


“Discover Your Inner Star”
Workshop Certification

(A Confidence-Building Workshop for Girls 9-14)

The Discover Your Inner Star Workshop Certification is a comprehensive training and Certification Program that will prepare you to facilitate our Discover Your Inner Star Workshop, an Interactive workshop for middle school and high school girls that helps them boost their confidence, embrace their strengths, and appreciate themselves and others.

This workshop takes the girls on a journey to connect with what makes themspecial and unique, helps them appreciate what is special and unique about their peers, and culminates in game that creates laughter, joy, and heartwarming interaction between all of the participants. The workshop wraps up with a gift of fun and engaging practices to support them as they move forward from this new empowered place they’ve discovered inside of themselves.

There is even a modification that makes this a perfect workshop for girls to do with their moms.

Every time I’ve conducted this workshop, I’ve received tons of praise by participants, school counselors, and mom. Now I’m so excited to offer a way for you to support the teen and tween girls in your community through this workshop.

“It helps you find the best in you and others and that’s important”

~ 12 year old Discover Your Inner Star

“This totally boosted my confidence!”

~ 13 year old Discover Your Inner Star Participant

“It was so amazing to see our students really dig deep and share their
emotions in a confident way. The life skills that were taught are so important
for girls growing up in today’s society.”

~ Julie Schultz Case Manager/Counselor Robert Healy School, Chicago

Here is how the “Discover Your Inner Star”
Workshop Certification Works

The Discover Your Inner Star Certification Training is provided through one 2 ½ hour online / on-demand audio training that allows you the flexibility to listen to the training from the comfort of your own home and when it is convenient for your schedule.

The 2 ½ hour training audio will cover:

  • The fundamentals and curriculum for both the full 2-hour and 45-minute versions of the workshop, so that you feel confident in facilitating teen and tween girls to greater self-acceptance, increased confidence, resilience, and more positive peer relationships, with the flexibility to do so in a variety of settings.
  • Guidance on how to modify the workshop for moms to attend with their daughters
  • Support on pricing the workshop, as well as how to approach schools, yoga studios, and community organizations.

Once you have listened to the training, you will have access to one Live Group Training Q&A / Laser Coaching Call to support you and make sure all of your questions are answered.

After the live Q&A call, you will receive a Certification Exam. Upon passing the exam, you will:


  • Receive your License as a Certified Facilitator for one year (Note: you will have the option to renew your license annually at a nominal cost of $97)
  • Become a Member of our Facilitator community, with access to our Quarterly Facilitator Success Calls, and gain access to your Member’s page, a one-stop shop for easy access to all of your Workshop Materials, and a place to connect with your fellow I Shine® Facilitator colleagues!
  • Gain credibility by using our logo and Discover Your Inner Star Certified Facilitator designation to create a professional look for your website, business cards, flyers, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Would I Want to Become a Facilitator?

Becoming a facilitator allows you to teach a workshop that has been proven to build inner confidence, self-acceptance, resilience, and positive peer relationships in girls, while giving you credibility, positioning you as an expert, and offering you solid income potential. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when this workshop contains a complete solution to help make a difference AND make money.

Do I Need to Be an Educator or Have an Advanced Degree to Become a Facilitator?

No! Any caring adult can successfully facilitate this program. While many teachers and education professionals love and endorse the Discover Your Inner Star Workshop, no previous experience or training is necessary.

How Do I Make Money as a Facilitator?

Options for bringing in revenue with the workshop are wide-ranging, and include offering it as an after-school option, charging a school to bring you in and facilitate the workshop, partnering with a yoga studio to create a combined workshop and charge a fee per participant, offer it as a mom and daughter workshop, etc. We cover marketing ideas during the training.

Let’s say you decide to run the full 2-hour workshop. If you charge $35 per student and you enroll just 15 students, you will bring in revenue of $525 and more than make back your investment. Then you’re making pure profit with your very next workshop!

What if I Don’t Have the Money to Invest Now?

I know money is a scary thing for some people. I’ve been in some pretty scary financial situations myself where I didn’t know how I would pay my next month’s bills. But there is a huge difference between buying unnecessary items and investing in yourself and your ability to make a powerful impact in this world. When you invest in yourself and gain access to tools and information that can change not only your life but the life of many others, you will never be the same person you were before the investment. And the beauty of this program is that your investment can be recouped after you offer just one workshop! After that you’re generating pure profit while making a difference. I can’t think of many other purchases that would offer as good an investment.

I’m Not Sure This is the Right Time…Are You Doing This Again?

Let’s face it, the best time to act is when you’re feeling the inspiration. Our minds are set up to keep us safe and talk us out of things…even good, positive things that would make our lives better! This world isn’t going to wait and there are kids out there right now who will only be reached through YOU. Remember, you can facilitate the curriculum on your own schedule — many start “on the side” while they are still in other careers.

Now, I will offer this program again, but I don’t know when and it’s currently not scheduled, and it may not be as affordable as it is today. Why put off something that you’re inspired to do NOW?

“It makes my day when I see the girls walk out of the workshop with such joy on their faces.”

~ Tirchander Kanwar – Discover Your Inner Star Facilitator

Enroll Now in the

“Discover Your Inner Star”
Workshop Certification

Yes Jill! I’m ready to enroll in the Discover Your Inner Star Workshop Certification so I can make a difference and make money empowering girls to feel more confident, accept themselves, and build social/emotional skills that will enable them to thrive.

Program Enrollment Form

Here is what I will get when I enroll in the

“Discover Your Inner Star” Workshop Certification


  •  Access to the Full 2 ½ hour recorded on-demand audio training session, containing everything you need to know to successfully market and facilitate the workshop.
  •  Live Group Q&A / Laser Coaching Session. Once you’ve enrolled, you’ll receive an invitation to attend one live group session to increase your confidence in facilitating the workshop and answer any questions you have.
  • Access to the Certification Exam, which when passed, will allow you to become a Licensed Facilitator of the curriculum for one year from the exam passing date (first year licensing fee included with your enrollment).
  •  Access to the Licensed Facilitator Library, where you will have easy access to all of the information you need to facilitate the workshop, including presentation decks, worksheets, marketing information and more.
  • Quarterly I Shine® Facilitator Success Call Access, where you can gather virtually with other certified facilitators to share wins, get support, and access additional tools and resources to help you create success as a facilitator
  • Private Members Facebook Community. Access to other members will be provided in our Private Facebook Community where I can share ideas, receive and give support, and network with other members.

Program Price = $997

Your Investment Today = $497


“This workshop was so uplifting and I think that it would help a lot of girls”

~ 12 year old Discover Your Inner Star Participant

You have what it takes to build confidence and self-acceptance in tween and teen girls!

If it pains you to see girls:

  •  Struggle with low self-confidence
  •  Change who they are in order to fit in with others
  • Bully or exclude girls who are different

…and instead you would love to help girls:

  •  Appreciate themselves and others more
  •  Have the confidence to be true to who they are
  • Create more positive peer relationships

…then you are an ideal candidate to become a Facilitator of the Discover Your Inner Star Workshop Certification.

I can’t wait for you to gain access to this powerful, proven workshop that takes girls on a journey to connect with what makes them special and unique, helps them appreciate what is special and unique about their peers, and enables you to feel confident in helping others truly thrive and shine in their lives!

Jill Hope
Founder, I Shine and creator of the Discover Your Inner Star Workshop and Certification Program

P.S. There’s nothing to figure out! I’ve done all of the development and testing of this program and now I want YOU to benefit from the work I’ve put into this proven program. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity to facilitate this powerful workshop and make the difference and impact you know you’re here to make.

Program Price = $997

Your Investment Today = $497


Jill Hope/ I Shine
3023 N Clark St. Suite 371
Chicago, IL 60657

© 2008-20 I Shine Coaching and Wellness Programs, LLC

Per the current FTC guidelines, we are in the process of collecting results data from our customers to be able to define the “typical” or “average” experience of our customers. While we collect that data, we are sharing the photos and comments of individual customers. None of these photos or comments in any way represent the “average” or “typical” customer experience. In fact, as with any product or service, we know that some customers invest in our system but never use it, and therefore get no results from their investment whatsoever. Therefore, the customer stories we are sharing can neither represent nor guarantee the current or future experience of other past, current or future customers. Rather, these customer stories represent what is possible with using our system. Each of these unique stories, and any and all results reported in these stories by individual customers, are the culmination of numerous variables, many of which I Shine cannot control, including pricing, target market conditions, product/service quality, offer, customer service, personal initiative, and countless other tangible and intangible factors.