Contact us to start building your child’s confidence today: email or 773-540-7857.

I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum

Welcome to the I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum!

A self-esteem building program supporting social and emotional wellness in children ages 9-12.

The I Shine Inner Wellness Curriculum is a unique and proven 9 module, 33 lesson character building and social/emotional wellness curriculum that teaches children about their worthiness, their unique and special gifts, and how they can take responsibility for their lives and have a positive impact on the lives of others.

The Inner Wellness Curriculum help kids:

  • Discover and appreciate their own uniqueness and special gifts
  • Increase their self-acceptance and ability to accept the differences in others
  • Cultivate greater self-awareness and self-regulation
  • Increase inner confidence and self-esteem
  • Build emotional intelligence
  • Improve social skills and develop better relationships with their peers
  • Solve peer issues independently and in a constructive way
  • Reduce bullying behavior

…and much more!

Each lesson includes collaborative talk, interactive fun activities, a mindfulness exercise, self-reflection, and more. This curriculum supports kids from the inside out with the tools they need to make healthy and confident choices as they navigate the tween and teen years.

“My child’s self-esteem, confidence, and acceptance of shortcomings all improved this year.”
~ Parent of I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum Participant

Curriculum Overview

Module 1: Achieving Your Goals and Dreams

In Module 1, students learn the steps necessary to set and achieve goals, along with the awareness that anything is possible, and that every child has the power to create what they want to experience in their lives. They also learn the gift in failure and how to overcome the fear of failure.

Module 2: Accepting Others and Yourself

In Module 2, students learn that despite our differences, we are all more the same than we are different. Through this module, they learn to embrace these differences and understand that no one is any more or any less than anyone else.

Module 3: Showing Kindness and Respect

In Module 3, students will develop a sense of empathy and understanding that will help them to treat others and themselves with kindness and respect.

Module 4: Caring for Your Corner of the Planet

In Module 4, students learn how they are connected to and supported by the earth, how by observing nature they can learn about the world and about themselves, and how their actions can influence life on the planet and in their personal environments.

Module 5: Giving of Yourself and Your Unique Gifts

In Module 5, students learn that everyone has something to give, and each person’s contribution is completely unique to them. They also discover their own unique gifts and learn that giving to others not only helps the recipient to feel good; it also helps the giver to feel good.

Module 6: Managing Your Thoughts and Emotions

In Module 6, students learn that they have a powerful internal guidance system (their feelings) that will help them navigate through any situation. They also begin to understand that their thoughts are their creative power.

Module 7: Taking Responsibility For All That You Do

In Module 7, students learn how empowering it is to take responsibility for their lives, and how when you take responsibility, you are no longer a victim of your circumstances, but rather, you create them.

Module 8: Living in a State of Gratitude

In Module 8, students learn about the power of gratitude, and how they can cultivate an attitude of gratitude within themselves.

Module 9: Forgiveness and the Power of Letting Go

In Module 9, students learn what forgiveness is, why it’s so important to forgive, how to forgive, and about the power they gain by letting go.

“In the I Shine Inner Wellness Curriculum, Jill Hope has created a resilience based educational curriculum to facilitate character building, self-esteem and self-regulation in children. This holistic program provides resources for parents as well. The nine modules are well organized in providing guidance, strategies, lesson plans and more for educators and facilitators. I will recommend the I Shine program without reservation.”
~ Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. Co-Editor of the Handbook of Resilience in Children, 2nd Edition

Find or Create an Inner Wellness Program In Your Area

If you are interested in enrolling your child or a group of children in an Inner Wellness Program in your area or would like more information, please contact one of our Certified Facilitators here.

If you need assistance in locating a facilitator to teach a course in your area, or you are interested in becoming a facilitator yourself, please contact us at or call our office at 773-540-7857.

“The students feel the lesson time offers a safe space to express themselves and share their feelings without judgment, which is leading to greater overall acceptance amongst the students.”
~ Facilitator of the I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum

Be a Part of the Movement to Empower Children through Sponsorship

Not every child who needs and wants to develop these skills has access. By sponsoring a child who could use support, you are helping bring this program to many more kids who can benefit from increased confidence and self-empowerment skills.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child or group of children to participate in an Inner Wellness Program, please contact us at or call our office at 773-540-7857 to discuss sponsorship opportunities.


Everyone is really nice and respectful and it really helps with self-esteem. At my age most girls don’t get to do these kinds of things and don’t understand how to help themselves, but this class helps with that if you were to send you kid to this class I would totally recommend it.
age 12

Contact us today to learn how you can build your child’s confidence and emotional wellness, create a better relationship with your child, or get certified to teach our proven curricula.
Email us today at
or call (773) 540-7857.
Jill Hope is a writer, empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, and founder of I Shine® ( Jill is passionate about supporting parents to build inner confidence in their kids, while supporting busy moms to discover their life purpose and live lives of greater joy, fulfillment, passion, and purpose. She knows that when you are connected to your true, authentic self, you give your kids permission to connect to and express theirs. As the founder of I Shine®, Jill has designed several unique and innovative programs that all share the message about the power we have to create lives of abundance, shine our inner light, and live according to our unique purpose. In addition, Jill certifies and licenses facilitators to teach her proven I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum, a social/emotional wellness program for kids aged 9-12 and her Powerful Girl Within® Curriculum for Girls, a program that cultivates confidence, self-acceptance, and positive peer relationships in girls aged 11-14.