Jill is REALLY good at holding space for her clients. It’s her super-power. She knows how to get to the heart of the matter, objectively view it and create a solution.
I have worked with several coaches and to be honest Jill is a master at her trade. When I took Powerful Girl Within I wanted support to be a better parent and have a better relationship with my daughter. Jill taught me that relationship starts with me.
In our coaching sessions we talked about anything that I am “dealing with” in life or biz. Our 1-1 sessions are pure gold!
I have started a new job… just one of the many new changes happening in my life. It all started by working your Powerful Girl Within program. My daughter is having a much better year at school. Though she still has some anxiety, her confidence with peers has improved dramatically.
My daughter and I also joined girls on the run after listening to your recording. It has been amazing. I never knew my body could run a 5k ever! Saturday is our big run and it will be a celebration of so many posit… Read more
My daughter (9 yrs old) and I have been seeing a child psychologist to help with her anxiety, low moods, friendship troubles, feelings of being unloved and overall resistance to everything I say. I knew if we were experiencing these issues now, we may be heading for a rough road through the teen years. Although we have made some progress with the psychologist, I still have feelings of helplessness, more questions and I feel dependent on each visit for answers. I also wonder how my daughter… Read more
Jill was telling me about a situation her son had faced and how he handled it. A school mate of his got up and moved away from him in the lunch room when her son sat down. It hurt his feelings, and he was sad when he came home from school. When Jill asked him how he thought he should handle it, he said “I am going to tell him tomorrow that he hurt my feelings by moving away from me.”
Jill is so good at teaching children. She asked him what to do and empowered him to make the good choice and t… Read more
Michel Rosenthal
Since using Jill’s Bully-Proof Self-Esteem system, all has been going so well. My daughter seems a lot more cheerful, lighter and less worried about making friends ever since we’ve started affirmations. She says hers with delight and confidence. In one of my visualization exercises I imagine my children being surrounded by other children who are very interested in them and what they have to say. I affirm this with words.
Well, a week ago I went to my daughter’s gymnastics school to pick her… Read more
Tsidi Bishop, South Africa
Thank you Jill so much for your 11 New Parenting Rules! It was amazing to listen to you teach these rules with down-to-earth explanations and examples! Listening to these 11 rules and allowing my mind to open was such a positive experience. I am looking forward to applying the rules to parenting my 9 year old son and also applying these 11 rules in managing my life. Thanks again Jill!
Julie Arnold, Andover, Minnesota
I love this approach, as it’s one I use myself! I find children today are more sensitive and can sense authenticity and a lack of congruency in their ‘teachers’
Today, parents and teachers need new skills, and we need to work together to create an ethos of empowerment around young people to unleash their potential. Congratulations Jill on getting it out there, as there is not enough of us supporting families in this way.
Alan Wilson
I am registered! When I made the payment I realized how grateful I am for this opportunity to learn how best to support my daughter. When I compare the cost of the class to what I have spent on her camps, classes, and clothes — all to make her happy, help her feel good about herself, connect with friends, feel like she fits in, etc., I realize what an excellent investment this is. The Powerful Girl Within Program is something that will long outlast a new outfit because she will wear it on the in… Read more
Carol M.
With Jill’s guidance I was able to start on a path toward more work/life balance that hasn’t been there in a long time. Jill helped me with identifying my priorities, as well as setting up a realistic plan to cover all my business, family and personal needs on a regular basis. Jill offers a highly effective tool set and coaching skills to quickly clarify realistic options that fit your situation.
Chicago, IL USA
These workshops help me with my confidence and help me remember that I choose my reactions in difficult situations. It’s also super fun to learn with other girls.
age 12
One of the biggest obstacles I face when parenting my children are the influences of other children and their behavior on them. the interview series provided a lot of techniques that I can use to change this situation for the better. You have done a good job of providing information, resources and links for getting more information, and I like the fact that the interviews themselves weren’t too long, making it easy to find time to listen to them.
or call (773) 540-7857.