Contact us to start building your child’s confidence today: email or 773-540-7857.

I had the privilege of being a part of the I Shine Child Self-Esteem Bully Proof program. My daughter, at the time, was only 14 months. I was not sure how helpful it would be at such a young age, but I discovered that I was able to start with a healthy foundation for her right from the start.

Using Jill’s suggestions to encourage my daughter with what she was doing well, with clear language, such as, “You followed directions”, instead of my typical response, “Good girl”, helps my daughter build her self-esteem with her own actions. I too was reminded that it is important for myself to stay positive with the outcome I want for my daughter. Being more aware that it takes both parent and child to help with this healthy outcome made me feel like I can do more that just trying to be a good example as my daughter continues to learn and grow.

Jeni IhmJeni Ihm, Mother of 1Mother of 1