Contact us to start building your child’s confidence today: email or 773-540-7857.

We’re not just living in historic times. We’re making history.
This modern-day challenge is like nothing ANY OF US have EVER experienced, and yet it is in challenging times like these that we are presented with amazing opportunities to rise up, spread our wings, and fly.

Have you noticed how many people are coming together right now to support one another and to meet the needs at hand?

Levels of innovation, creativity, cooperation, collaboration, caring and yes, LOVE, are at an all-time high.

For me, when the stay-at-home order was given, it gave me pause to reflect on who I am, what resources I have access to, and most importantly, how I can serve.

I also noticed many parents in my network feeling overwhelmed, as they’re now tasked with finding creative ways to give their kids enriching opportunities from within their homes and/or helping their child deal with anxiety brought on by these uncertain times, often alongside trying to also work in their job and manage their own uncertain feelings.

What I know to be true is that with this challenge comes a powerful opportunity to teach and model to our children important skills such as confidence, hope, resiliency, connection, responsibility, personal power, and how to find peace in the midst of a storm.

So, after being inspired to tap into one of my resources…our wonderful I Shine® Certified Facilitators from around the globe, I’m excited to share that we’ve come together to provide you with a brand new enrichment opportunity for your kids.

Typically, our facilitators teach our I Shine® social/emotional curriculums for kids in small groups at the local community level due to the high level of interactivity built into the curriculums.

However, since social distancing is our new normal for the time being, we’ve come up with a creative way to support essential social/emotional skill building in kids so parents can fill the gap between the skills and resources schools are able to offer and those they may not know how (or have the time) to foster themselves.

So we’ve curated an introductory online curriculum of 12 video lessons for kids adapted from the full 33 lesson I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum. Our brand new I Shine® Inner Wellness For Kids Online Program is an online 12 lesson introductory social/emotional wellness program that teaches kids aged 8-12 important skills that build healthy self-confidence, resilience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. It’s a stepping stone to the larger, interactive I Shine Inner Wellness Curriculum.

We’re also sensitive to the fact that many people are meeting financial challenges as a result of the current environment we are all living in.
So we’re meeting you where you’re at financially by offering this program on a “pay-what-you-can” basis.

Learn more and gain access to this powerful introductory programh

*The program runs April 13-April 28 and Program access closes on May 4.


When you enroll, you’ll also get immediate access to a BONUS Video Lesson “3 Tools to Quickly Calm Your Anxiety and Soothe Your Nervous Energy” (value $25). 

In this BONUS video lesson, I Shine® Parent Coach Celeste Kelly will teach you and your child 3 quick, easy, proven techniques to instantly calm your nervous system and get your natural feeling of well-being flowing.
Challenging times present us all with incredible opportunities to dig deep within ourselves and come out soaring.

Through this program, you can expose your kids to skills that will help them bring out their very best so they can thrive in even the most trying circumstances. 

Learn more and enroll now: