The workshop was REALLY fun and I recommend to tell your friends and do it with them. It has made me feel more confident and gave me tools to handle my life. And my teacher Ms. Celeste was an amazing teacher. She’s actually my friend’s mom which is really cool. Do this workshop! You’ll love it!
age 11
I love this approach, as it’s one I use myself! I find children today are more sensitive and can sense authenticity and a lack of congruency in their ‘teachers’
Today, parents and teachers need new skills, and we need to work together to create an ethos of empowerment around young people to unleash their potential. Congratulations Jill on getting it out there, as there is not enough of us supporting families in this way.
Alan Wilson
Jill was telling me about a situation her son had faced and how he handled it. A school mate of his got up and moved away from him in the lunch room when her son sat down. It hurt his feelings, and he was sad when he came home from school. When Jill asked him how he thought he should handle it, he said “I am going to tell him tomorrow that he hurt my feelings by moving away from me.”
Jill is so good at teaching children. She asked him what to do and empowered him to make the good choice and t… Read more
Michel Rosenthal
I want to thank you so much for your amazing help in my life. I have spent over $200,000 in training and you are definitely one of the best teachers I have ever had. I have without effort manifested so much in my life already with so little effort. I am speechless. Most importantly I love and appreciate myself more which means I will naturally love and appreciate others more. Thank you for being such an excellent role model. You have changed me from the inside and I am a better and happier perso… Read more
I loved the honesty with which Jill talks of her personal experiences. This gives such a realness to her advice, which makes it more valuable. The biggest thing I learned from the interview series is to take ownership of my feelings as being separate from my childrens’ tantrums and acting out. Often I have negative thoughts running through my mind causing me anxiety, so when my children misbehave, I react badly. I’ve learned to calm down first myself to diffuse their behavior.
Raelee Lawton, Central Coast, NSW Australia
Jill Hope lives up to her name – she brings hope and inspirational teachings to parents who want to raise well-adjusted, spiritually nourished children. Jill’s passion for “enlightened parenting” shows in everything she does – from her interviews with top experts in the field, to the products she offers on her website. Jill Hope and https://www.ishinekids.com is the “go-to” place for parents who want to connect with their children on a spiritual level.
Kathryn E. Eriksen
Since using Jill’s Bully-Proof Self-Esteem system, all has been going so well. My daughter seems a lot more cheerful, lighter and less worried about making friends ever since we’ve started affirmations. She says hers with delight and confidence. In one of my visualization exercises I imagine my children being surrounded by other children who are very interested in them and what they have to say. I affirm this with words.
Well, a week ago I went to my daughter’s gymnastics school to pick her… Read more
Tsidi Bishop, South Africa
My daughter participated in the Powerful Girl Within Program earlier this year. This is a very important program for girls in their pre-teen years to learn skills for dealing with the pressures that face them in the years ahead. I wish I had something like this when I was her age. I’ve seen two long lasting behavior changes in my daughter in the months since the program. First, my daughter added a piece to our bedtime ritual where she shares with me something she’s grateful for. She does this ev… Read more
Mom in New Orleans
Jill is such a special woman and mother! I am so impressed by Jill’s unique stand to not just WANT our children to feel great about themselves and make excellent decisions, but to be one of the RARE individuals who actually DOES something about it. Jill is making our world a better place by bringing spiritual lessons for kids into the mainstream. Under Jill’s leading, parents will be offering their children the life skills we all desire.
Gina Ratliffe
I Shine’s Powerful Girl Within Program is a must-have tool for any parent looking to empower their child in a positive way. The easy-to-follow approach makes sense and has the potential to make a positive impact – both short- and long-term. I’m thrilled to now have more tools in my parenting toolbox. Thanks Jill.
Laura P.
or call (773) 540-7857.